Reading this book review ought to get you thinking about things... I especially like the letter to management (hat tip to Arnold Kling over at econlog):
"Dear current Management-Generation of Cublicle Land, please understand that:
1. My generation was misinformed -- by elders and fortune -- about the value of our college degrees. $120,000 of your / our money now buys, career-wise, just a hair more than your free high-school diploma used to. As many of my peers now lament, 'A law degree is the new B.A.' We're the best-educated generation in American History, yet the job requirements haven't changed. [...]"
If you read this review, and the rest of the letter in it partially quoted above, you might ask yourself, "How are things different from the MBM perspective?" Would a college grad hitting the ground with an organization or team that embraces the Guiding Principles and practices the five dimensions of MBM have the same persepective?
As a practioner of MBM, what letter would you write? Hit the "Comment" link and let us know.