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12 February 2006



A great, classic Friedman quote. Thanks for posting it.


The "enduring concern with social justice" quote is such lazy thinking in my opinion. So many 'free thinkers' in Europe like to believe that they have cornered the market on empathy and compassion. Unfortunately for those groups who are the recipients of their compassion, the problem is always 'out there' waiting to be solved by the government and still no real solution is realized.

Richard Anderson

I would like to add a book to the reading list here:

"Plan B 2.0 -Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble."

Author: Lester R. Brown @ The book can be downloaded in PDF format for free at:

Joe Smith

Shall I also say that the great evil of government ownership is the lack of sincere personal motivation and commitment to public interest? As a result, the economic potential can never be fulfilled. After sticking to their socialist system for decades, even the very closed society like China realized the pitiful situation they were in under socialist system. And they were quick to evolve into the capitalist system. However, they are still steadfast in hanging on to the socialist political and ideological system. How ironic!

John Cooke

Great comments Joe. I read (or heard) recently that roughly 1 million Chinese everyday are escaping poverty, under this new capitalist-powered economy.

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