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08 November 2007



I'd like to see the citing for that Wichita law. I, too, feel the call to obey such a law.

Alastair Walling

Sorry KHC,
I went looking for chapter and section in the Wichita Municipal Code but to no avail. However, navigating the code is a little difficult, so it might still be buried in there somewhere, or it may still be on the books but did not make the leap to the city's website. Alas, while the law is often quoted, a proper legal cite is never given. It does make an appearance on this Kansas Fun Facts page, but that is the best I can do.



I live in Northern England and my fiancee is Scotish, so we intend asking a resident if we can use there toilet next time we go up there!!! Good way of putting good points across.

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