I have stumbled across some interesting links lately, but most of them require some explanation. So this link dump is a little text heavy.
Recently, I have re-read chapters in Hernado de Soto's book, The Mystery of Capital. One thought in the book that fascinates me is the trade off between formalizing property through records and anonymity. It go me thinking, what would it take to go "off grid" and disappear in the modern world. A writer for Wired Magazine tried to do this. You can read his account here.
Speaking of anonymity, I received a letter from the Census Bureau (telling me they were going to send another letter), and then stumbled across some neat maps from the 1870 Census.
A cool little video (from Consumer Reports via Consumerist) about waste in every day products. I like the cut away that shows package innovation that eliminates waste.
I've been reading some psychology literature lately and several articles have talked about the color test. I tried it and literally felt my brain working. If you want to try it, click here (via Carpe Diem). Also, if you're looking for a great psychology book, I recommend Self-Insight.
Arlington, VA has gotten a lot of snow, and the roads falling to pieces from the salt and trucks. There have been stories about how the cities/counties are going to pay for repairs. Well, some creative folks have suggested that you can sponsor a pothole.
This is totally random, but every now and again an assumption of mine gets totally blown out of the water. From Lifehacker, "It turns out store lighting triggers photosynthesis in leafy greens, boosting its nutritional content even after harvesting."
Have you read anything lately that has changed one of your assumptions? Leave us a link in the comments!