After studying (and struggling) with MBM for a little over a year, I've started to get a little more comfortable teaching the concepts in front of large groups... for the most part. There is one answer that makes me squirm, but it comes up often: "it depends."
Recently, an Associate changed my mind on "it depends." After I pretty much apologized for saying "it depends," Maggie raised her hand. When I called on her, she told me that she likes the answer. Maggie went on to explain that for her the "it depends" answer points to the fact that individuals should be thinking and answering these questions, not just taking things for granted.
Throughout that week I asked three other people how they felt about the "it depends" answer. Here are a few other thoughts boiled down from longer conversations:
- "It depends" is a legitimate answer because it's flat out true. Most of the time instructors (or managers for that matter) don't have enough local information to give a more specific answer.
- From an instructor's perspective, "It depends" gives participants a chance to think through the mental models for themselves.
- (This thought comes from a conversation someone who isn't familiar with MBM.) The world is a complicated place. "It depends" isn't just a common answer in management, but it's a common answer for life.
What do you think about getting "it depends" as an answer?
Thanks to Maggie for changing my perspective on "it depends"!