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19 May 2010


Pat Peterson

I have found a key with guiding principles is to read--and re-read--them, pulling them apart word-by-word if necessary. This is even more necessary when terms that need explanation are used; for example, "economic means" in Value Creation. Without understanding the concept(s) of economic (and political) means, the principle is basically just "work harder." But differentiating economic and political means give a better picture of the responsibility (and real value) of a company that eschews the political for the economical.
And, as you found, you can "live" with a principle for a very long time without figuring out how it fits in the puzzle of a business system. But when it does finally fit, understanding can radiate out and touch other principles, mental models, etc. A key is often having a good guide, as you had with Paul. Our MBM at a plant level would benefit greatly by having "wise ones" handy to push us along in our understanding and implementation.

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