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12 July 2010


Jonny B

I am naturally suspect of any list of items to "enhance performance" or "provide guidance". 7 Habits, huh? Are you sure there isn't at least one more that might work for some? 10 Principles, huh? Are you sure there are only 10?
When it comes to the 10 Principles of MBM I think that Collins would miss the point and many of the nuances. In fact, after reading his book during KAP 09-10, I'm pretty sure he is just interested in lip service that sells books to the wannabes. (sorry for the vitriol)
Take MBM Principle #4: Principled Entrepreneurship. Inside of this juggernaut of a guiding principle, lies several "sub-principles" for lack of a better word. Many of these would be considered soft skills but, it begs the question, "At what point do you teach someone these skills?" Obviously it's not in modern common sense and if you want to grow from a wannabe to an am, then I think it's necessary. Especially if it's worth it and believe me, it is.
Good question, though, Staffaction. I'm interested to see what anyone else thinks.

Andy Gillette

On the Principle Entrepreneurship note, in addition to the 'sub-principles' within that definition, I think that the "Principled" part of "Priniciple Entrepreneurship" implies even more. If you look at the definition, it focuses on aspects of entrepreneurialism and not acting in a principled way. I think the "Principled" portion is following the other nine Guiding Principles. That's a lot to keep in mind!

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