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09 September 2010


David McGinnis

can you post a youtube link to someone getting fowled in a basketball game. I think I would enjoy that.

Andy Gillette

Ha! I couldn't find any HR appropriate ones in my 3-second search, but it is a funny visualization.... My example was definitely tongue and cheek, but these things do happen and can affect teams.

Andy Gillette

....and then I realized that 'fowled' and 'fouled' are two different words... ;-) That is a much, much funnier visualization.

David McGinnis

yep. but I stand corrected. I KNOW I would enjoy that. :)

Jonny B

Andy G, I too have been focusing more on the role of incentives, and like you have a new appreciation for how much they DO matter. Thanks for keeping the knowledge coming.
ps. I started to write a quick pseudo rant about how incentives do matter especially in dealing with the family. But it sounded like airing my dirty laundry and that would be cool. Your welcome, MBM reader, for the delete.

Jonny B

*wouldn't be cool

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