This article from Seth Godin caught my attention. He writes about thinking of our work as a checklist or a to-do list. I liked this quote: "Perhaps the alternative is instead of thinking, "next!", we can think, "last!" This might be the last time I get to do this." You'll have to read the whole post to get the full context, but I think he might be onto something.
I hope you enjoyed my longer altruism posts, but if they were too long (as I suspect they were), here's a few links to others on the topic. Business Pundit has "Free Markets, Altruism, Human Nature and Public Policy." Tyler Cowen wrote, "Does the free market erode moral character?"
Here's a funny (not ha-ha funny) post about "The 40% Rule."
I'm not a macroeconomist, but I do worry about inflation (as I think many people do). This post might appeal to those of you who have that same worry.
And to end on an amusing one, Megan Mcardle writes, "The IRS Has Bedbugs."
If you have any interesting links, please leave them in the comments and send me an email: ann.zerkle (at) Thanks and have a great weekend!