As many of you may be aware, there is a secret, sixth Dimension not usually discussed in MBM Academy or The Science of Success.
That Dimension, of course, is Brute Physical Force.
Yes, in addition to the importance of a clear goal, hiring good and talented folks, defining who does what, measuring, and motivating employees, having the physical prowess to move large objects is a fundamental concept we should all master.
The benefits of this Dimension on the day-to-day level are obvious. For example, if a heavy filing cabinet is blocking value creation, are you going to use “decision rights” to move it? Will “vision” open that obstinate pickle jar for your lunch power meeting? And don’t try and convince me that KP will help you PL (power lift) 350 lbs of iron during your morning and evening pre-and-post exercise routines….
Yes, these daily benefits are obvious, but what about the underlying principles? For example, the Virtue & Talents Dimension—looked at holistically—would suggest that:
- at the individual level, it’s beneficial to strive to act in accordance with the Guiding Principles;
- at the organizational level, it’s helpful to hire virtuous people with the needed talents; and
- at the societal level, prosperity is generally increased with stable laws that guide productive behavior.
The Brute Physical Force Dimension, as I understand it, follows this basic pattern:
- At the individual level, it’s beneficial to pump iron daily;
- At the organizational level, it’s helpful to strive to have a workforce whose average shirt-collar size is in the low 20s, at least; and
- At the societal level, prosperity is generally increased with…. Well, we’re still working on that part.
Now, many of you will argue, “Aren’t ‘strength’ and ‘musculature’ and ‘physical perfection’ just different skills and virtues, and hence isn’t this just a subset of the Virtue & Talents Dimension?” Or, “This sounds like you just made up a Dimension and are lying to me.”
My answer to you is THIS: [Flexing my biceps at the screen right now!]
Enough said.
[ht Brian B, of course.]
You know you're a nerd (an I am) if a post likes this cracks ya up. Brian B. as in Blumdog??
at the societal level prosperity is increased because we are able to move goods across great distances thus accomplishes trades that are beneficial for both parties.
Posted by: staffaction | 28 October 2010 at 08:58 PM
Hey Andy, how's your neck circumference effecting that average?
haha, awesome post.
Posted by: David McGinnis | 29 October 2010 at 12:01 PM
This article has some serious aspects in my opinion. The most physically fit people generally have the best work ethics and set higher goals for themselves. At least this is my experience. Ofcourse you can always find exceptions but for the most part people who have high expectations of themselves physically, will have a high expectations for their career.
Look around at the next local marathon, you will not find many people who are not successful in other aspects of their life.
Now consider the flip side of this. What kind of discipline do fat people have? Will they have the same level of discipline at work? Again, you can find exceptions but I chalenge you to put some data to this.
Posted by: Chad Trail | 30 October 2010 at 09:19 AM
Ha! David, my neck size is not helping the cause, unfortunately... ;-)
Chad--Maybe a more positive way to frame that is by looking at something already in MBM--the 'discipline' and 'accountability' elements in Principle Entrepreneurship, for example, come to mind. Being disciplined about doing something sooner than later or taking the extra effort to put good thinking into a project--and then holding ourselves accountable to do so--could be loosely analogous.
However, I think we want to be careful to frame things respectfully, too, in regards to the weight comments. As long as someone is disciplined when it comes to their work and getting results, that's all we should care about.
Posted by: Andy Gillette | 31 October 2010 at 12:09 PM
Very PC of you, Andy. And true. Results at work are all that matters from the business's POV.
I whole-heartedly agree with Chad's more general point, external to the chosen example: The presence of discipline and accountability in a person's life identifies itself readily in many more aspects than just professionalism.
note: Zerkle has a particular website that shows up on friday links frequently. I think your challenge may be accepted in that forum. Thank goodness GP doesn't block that website just because of it's name. (and it's not "chart" that would flag it!)
P.S. can you do anything about those SPAM commenters?
Posted by: David McGinnis | 02 November 2010 at 09:47 AM
Spam = deleted. Thanks DM!
Posted by: Andy Gillette | 03 November 2010 at 06:16 AM
I just wanted to say thank you to Andy for your response to Chad's comment.
And, to David, your way of stating the general point about discipline and accountability was great!
Posted by: Tammy Carroll | 04 November 2010 at 08:49 AM