Seth Godin states, "laziness has changed." I've not decided if I agree with him or not, but it's an interesting topic.
For those of you who enjoyed the Hayek versus Keynes rap, here's a sneak peak of the next rap video.
I've been trying to read more about psychology lately. I've stumbled across a blog that reviews new research in the field. Here's an interesting article that asks, "Can Your Creative Brain Erase Negative Moods?"
For more on happiness, Lifehacker brings us "Many Little Things That Make You Happy Are Better Than a Few Big Ones."
Here are two nerdy (aka awesome!) infographics titled "When Your Relationship will End" and "Fed Swollen Balance Sheet to Get Bigger."
If you've come across a neat link this week, please share it with us in the comments. Next week, we'll be making a big announcement and change to the blog. Stop by Monday at 10am to see what we've been working on. Have a great weekend!